Introductory Booklet Detail

    Code White
    Code White

    In the event that the hospital staff is verbally or physically attacked, the addressee and eyewitness of the incident can be intervened by calling the Code White on the phone numbered 11111

    Code Blue
    Code Blue

    In order for the individuals whose basic life functions (respiration, circulation) are at risk or to be stopped in our hospitals, the Code Blue team is called on the phone numbered 22222 and the patient is treated. intervention is provided.

    Code Pink
    Code Pink

    In order to take precautions against the abduction or disappearance of newborn babies and children in our hospitals and to ensure security, the Code Pink team is called at 33333 and intervened.

    Code Red
    Code Red

    Responding to emergency situations such as fire, flood, earthquake, chemical leakage that may occur in hospitals, calling the Red Code team by dialing the number 44444 is provided.

    CODE ORANGE:            In case of CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) accidents that may occur in hospitals, the Code Orange call is initiated by dialing 44444 from landline phones.

    Code White
    Code White

    In the event that the hospital staff is verbally or physically attacked, the addressee and eyewitness of the incident can be intervened by calling the Code White on the phone numbered 11111

    Code Blue
    Code Blue

    In order for the individuals whose basic life functions (respiration, circulation) are at risk or to be stopped in our hospitals, the Code Blue team is called on the phone numbered 22222 and the patient is treated. intervention is provided.

    Code Pink
    Code Pink

    In order to take precautions against the abduction or disappearance of newborn babies and children in our hospitals and to ensure security, the Code Pink team is called at 33333 and intervened.

    Code Red
    Code Red

    Responding to emergency situations such as fire, flood, earthquake, chemical leakage that may occur in hospitals, calling the Red Code team by dialing the number 44444 is provided.

    CODE ORANGE:            In case of CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) accidents that may occur in hospitals, the Code Orange call is initiated by dialing 44444 from landline phones.